I've had some inquiries about this blog lately so decided to give it another try. I will update our "What we've read" list from the information I have, but if any of you find errors please fill us in.
We've certainly covered some ground since I last posted.
Our last meeting was held at the home of Mary Hausman to discuss The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie and Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. It was a great meeting with lots of input from those present. It was a glorious sunny afternoon spent on Mary's lovely deck....thanks Mary! And thanks also to Angie M and Julie G for the yummy snacks.
Our next read is Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. The movie has just come out so there is lots of interest in this book. We will meet at Kathy Wilkinson's home. Look for an email from Barbara N regarding date and directions.
We will adjourn for the summer and reconvene in Sept, shortly after Labor Day. Please bring your ideas for summer reading to the meeting at Kathy's.
To all our members...please comment on these posts, especially if you can't make it to the meetings. We would love to hear from you!