Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday, Ap 19th's discussion of Speaks the Nightbird by Robert McCammon

Welcome to the Millennium Bood Club Blog. I hope this online venture will serve as a means to extend our discussions beyond the Sunday afternoon meetings and provide a way for those members who can't be present on meeting days to participate in and benefit from the group.

The August 19th meeting was small, but definitely boisterous, from the reports I heard from a few who were present. Apparently the book evoked spirited discussion! Some loved the book, others didn't care for it at all. But this is what makes for good discussion. It was pointed out that the author didn't do his homework on some aspects of history, having the characters use matches when they were not yet invented. Some members felt that the attitudes and situations were somewhat liberal for the times and that several situations were a bit far fetched. The comment was made that our first read by this author, A Boy's Life, was much better. Angie brought a beautiful strawberry trifle for the snack....another reason to be sad to have missed the meeting!

The "floor" is still open and we'd love to hear from those who read the book but couldn't make it to the meeting. Your comments will be much anticipated and appreciated!

As a reminder, our next meeting will be on Sunday, Sept 30th. The Green Hills Library is not available that day so I'll make arrangements for a meeting place and let you know soon. Our Sept read is The Education of Little Tree by Forrest Carter.

Hope to read your comments soon!