Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Meeting report

We met Sunday, Nov 2, at the home of Mary Hausman to discuss The Cider House Rules by John Irving. We had a small but lively group and sat out on her gorgeous deck. Thanks to Jackie Bryant for leading. There were no lulls in the conversation as the book provided lots of great material to discuss.
Snacks were provided by Maureen and Angie, and followed the apple theme. Yum!

Our next meeting will be back at the Green Hills Public Library, Sunday, Dec. 7th. We will discuss The Shack" by William P. Young
If anyone is willing to lead this book please let me know. Nancy Eisenbrandt, who recommended it, is unable to be with us that day. We will also need a snack volunteer.

Sat, Nov 8th John Irving will speak at the Ryman. The talk it as 10 and doors open at 9 AM. Several of us are going as a group. If you would like to join us, we will meet at my house (1128 Glendale Lane) at 8:45 and drive to the Ryman together. Let me know if you'll be joining us so we make sure to have everyone before we leave.

Enjoy the fall ladies and I look forward to our next meeting.